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New pack update, who dis. If you're wondering why the file size has doubled since last update, its cause I added music. like 20 songs minimum. also added some new texture, mainly beans. new textures are ids 56-61.
Forgot to post to a while ago, includes new textures for souls, soul fragments, and custom weapons, and custom tools (as of now not implemented)
Next pack update is going to remove the music related files to reduce the size of the pack
Removed most of the sound files and renamed some other ones, use potato. alex. or zlight. to see diffrent groups of songs named after the person who provided the ogg file for them. This is called a test because added some new spooky textures if you set Custom Model Data to 118,119, or 120. Can't test it myself yet cause uploading this while not home.
I'm not even gonna bother uploading the previous versions, just know that between .13 and .16 new sack textures, new block textures, new heart of the sea textures, and new metal/powder textures were added since then
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