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Charms and the future of jewelry


Trusted User
Dec 2, 2022
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As it stands the charms are fairly easy to make for the rewards you reap from them, this post is to suggest how I think the future of charms should look as well as some adjustments to current charms to make them more balanced for the effort needed.

First thing is looking at the current charms, and that the easier to make pure charms are almost always better than the adaptive charms. Using a diamond sword with sharpness 5 as an example, then all damage charms will do better to have pure charms over adaptive, the 6 damage of a pure charm will just be flat better than the 5 damage you will get from the adaptive charm aka the 50%. If we look at fury charms its now a scale of the pure giving 12 while the adaptive gives you 10. This trend holds true for the rest of the charms such as health charms, heavy charms, I have not made the speed charms yet so those are unknown testing stat wise but judging from the spawn vinnie info then it's about equal in terms of boon making the speed ones the only charms that's better to use adaptive and that's solely do to the fact they are equal in value at base. Now with pure charms dropping from bosses about 8 times more commonly it's not an issue that pure is better but it makes the adaptive feel out of place.

So, with that all said I think the charms we currently make should give much lower stats and allow a more tiered and upgrading system to make them more powerful and useful, such as reducing the initial base value of all charms to around 1/10 their current values, and making it a tiered step up system of combining more and more charm aspects, then allowing the cores themselves to be surrounded by the aspects to increase its value. I would also like to say that adaptive charmed need to raise their values a bit to remain competitive if not better than pure charms since they are a rarer drop rate. The end goal of this trend is to make the work for such nice gear feel rewarded instead of allowing the scaling to be too fast and jumpy.

A trade for extra cores would be nice such as a gem trade in, or a way to exchange a core for 1/4 of the other type of core would be appreciated.


Staff member
Aug 30, 2022
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As it stands the charms are fairly easy to make for the rewards you reap from them, this post is to suggest how I think the future of charms should look as well as some adjustments to current charms to make them more balanced for the effort needed.

First thing is looking at the current charms, and that the easier to make pure charms are almost always better than the adaptive charms. Using a diamond sword with sharpness 5 as an example, then all damage charms will do better to have pure charms over adaptive, the 6 damage of a pure charm will just be flat better than the 5 damage you will get from the adaptive charm aka the 50%. If we look at fury charms its now a scale of the pure giving 12 while the adaptive gives you 10. This trend holds true for the rest of the charms such as health charms, heavy charms, I have not made the speed charms yet so those are unknown testing stat wise but judging from the spawn vinnie info then it's about equal in terms of boon making the speed ones the only charms that's better to use adaptive and that's solely do to the fact they are equal in value at base. Now with pure charms dropping from bosses about 8 times more commonly it's not an issue that pure is better but it makes the adaptive feel out of place.

So, with that all said I think the charms we currently make should give much lower stats and allow a more tiered and upgrading system to make them more powerful and useful, such as reducing the initial base value of all charms to around 1/10 their current values, and making it a tiered step up system of combining more and more charm aspects, then allowing the cores themselves to be surrounded by the aspects to increase its value. I would also like to say that adaptive charmed need to raise their values a bit to remain competitive if not better than pure charms since they are a rarer drop rate. The end goal of this trend is to make the work for such nice gear feel rewarded instead of allowing the scaling to be too fast and jumpy.

A trade for extra cores would be nice such as a gem trade in, or a way to exchange a core for 1/4 of the other type of core would be appreciated.
From what I picked up for total suggested things
1. Reduce base charm stats to 1/10th of current stats, then make tiers of those charms that eventually max out at the current stats through upgrades to give sense of progression. Use charm aspects surrounding the charm to upgrade its tier
2. Raise adaptive version of charm stats a bit to make it equal/better than pure version
3. Ability to trade both types of cores for gems and to trade 4 pure cores fragments for 1 adaptive core fragment

Did I get these right?


Trusted User
Dec 2, 2022
Reaction score
That sounds about right, though i would like to see charms a bit stronger at the end, but adaptive really needs a boost.